Crafting Benefits
Are you a fanatical crafter who can't pull themselves away from their projects?!
Perhaps you dabble in sewing or needle felting on the weekends?
Whether you are a devoted or occasional crafter, there are a whole host of incredible benefits in it for you! You may have felt positive changes in your mental health since you took up crafting. If so, you are certainly not the only one!
Crafting has been shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and so much more.
At The Crafty Kit Company, we believe in giving back with every craft. This mission refers to our collaborations with charities, but also extends to you as a part of our crafting community – here’s how!
The Sciencey Bit
Crafting helps to:
How does it work?
The repetitive and rhythmic nature of crafting aids in reducing our levels of the cortisol stress hormone.
Simultaneously, our dopamine levels are stimulated when we are crafting – dopamine contributes to feelings of pleasure, reward, and motivation.
Crafting can send us into a ‘flow state’ – flow state occurs when you are so engrossed in an activity that time flies by and you are not thinking of anything else.
Being a part of a supportive community is also invaluable when it comes to a balanced mental state; it can bolster your mood, build your self esteem, and alleviate feelings of loneliness.
Our Crafty Community
There are countless crafting communities all over the world! At The Crafty Kit Company, our supportive community of avid crafters is very important to us.
Some members of our Facebook group have kindly shared their experiences with crafting and how it has benefitted their mental health!
"There is a lot to be said for the calming repetitiveness of crafts. When life feels overwhelming, just simple knitting, needle-felting, cross-stitching or doodling can be very soothing and cathartic.
I am so grateful to Jo and CKC for being a big part of what has brought me to finding my Good Place."
"I have Fibromyalgia and crafting every evening after work helps me to pace my rest and work. Doing things with my hands helps my brain to switch off and allows me to relax and cope with the pain."
- Sian Lawton
"I think crafting and being quietly creative has really helped me get through hard times, whether physical or mental health wise, because it gives me something to aim for and I can see progress everyday.
I love creating something when I feel really powerless because it reminds me I am powerful and can do things."
- Rose Brita
"I’ve had cancer a couple of times and I find any form of crafting is a wonderful way to focus and calm my racing mind. I find that if my hands are busy, my mind is so much calmer - I have the delight of having made something which is very uplifting."
- Judy Ryder
"Crafting stops my negative thoughts - I'll usually put on music or an audio book while I'm working and time just slides past without notice. There's also the satisfaction of achievement when I've finished a project. Life might get me down, but crafting gives me a lift up."
- Debbie Bode
Get involved in our thriving community by joining our crafty Facebook family here!
Crafty Celebs
Tom Daley
Did you spot Tom Daley knitting beside the pool during the Tokyo Olympics?!
As you might have seen on the news, the Olympian Tom Daley says that knitting is a key part of his mindfulness routine along with yoga and visualisation. Daley revealed to the BBC that knitting is his ‘secret weapon’ when it comes to calming his mind!
The athlete has even gone on to start his own brand full of his knitting masterpieces after falling in love with the hobby!!
Fancy diving into a new project today?
Browse our brand new products here!
Dame Judi Dench
Dame Judi Dench has confessed to passing the time during filming with ‘naughty embroidery’ – she creates beautifully intricate needlework pieces with rude words and phrases on them!
It seems as if the Dame herself gets into a flow state during the tedium of filming!!
Get stuck into your very own embroidery project here!
Wrapping up...
Thank you to our dedicated community of avid crafters and a warm welcome to those of you who are new to crafting!
We are so happy to see people immersing themselves in wonderful craft projects and truly feeling the benefits.
Do you want to experience these benefits for yourself? If you are new to crafting and would like to get started, we have a fabulous selection of beginner-friendly kits for you to choose from!
Happy crafting!
Love CKC