Autumn is in the air and strange things happen when the weather change. My friend Jayne’s house may be haunted… Create along with Ana as she shows you a fun and easy Haunted House Hoop project. Let’s not stop there - the following blog will show you how to make Maxie’s Bat and Ghost to help haunt the house!
These supplies are available from The Crafty Kit Company.
Click here to download Jayne’s Haunted House template!
Note: You can order all nine colours with Pick’ N Mix
- White
- Raven
- Cartwheel
- Buttercup
- Lavender
- Bode
- Forest
- Mouse
- Drizzle
- Felt Fabric: Navy
- Felt Fabric: Black
- Felting Needle
- Clover Pink ‘Pen Style’ Needle Felting Tool
- Eco-Friendly Felting Mat: Large
- Hot Glue Gun
- 15cm Bamboo Embroidery Hoop
- Twigs (found in nature)
- Marker Black embroidery thread, needle
- Scissors
- Tape
- Ball-head pins
- Navy acrylic paint, brush (optional)
Print the template and cut out the Haunted House Pattern, Side Roof, Top Roof, and Moon Paper stencils. Set aside.
Remove centre of hoop and trace with marker in the centre of the navy blue felt.
Place felt fabric on felting pad. Cut out the center of the Moon Paper Stencil.
Pin Moon Paper Stencil slightly overlapping the upper left side of the circle.
Using Drizzle wool felt the moon within the stencil. Remove Paper Stencil.
Felt wisps of Lavender wool across the moon and below it to create midnight mist.
Mix Bode and Forest Wool together. Felt the mixture across the mid to lower bottom of the circle.
Felt Mouse Wool along the bottom edge of the circle.
Trace the Haunted House pattern on to the black felt (or on freezer paper), cut out. Pin the Haunted House in the centre of the felt fabric circle overlapping as shown.
With either a single felting needle or multi-tool, felt the Haunted House in place
Go back to the cut-out pattern and stencils. Cut out the door and windows of on the Haunted House pattern. Cut out the centres of the roofs. Tape cut openings closed.
Pin the Top Roof Paper stencil over the Haunted House top roof. Felt with Cartwheel. Remove Paper Stencil.
Pin the Side Roof Paper Stencil over the left side roof. Felt with Cartwheel. Remove Paper Stencil. Put the stencil on the right-side roof and felt.

Pin the Haunted House pattern over the top of the felted Haunted House. Felt Buttercup wool in the window openings of the house.
Mix Mouse, Raven, and Lavender wool together. Felt the door.
Remove the paper pattern.
Place the Haunted House in the hoop, lining it up with the marker. Pull tight.
Using 2 stands of black floss stitch window bars and highlight the door with wood planks, hinges, and a French Knot for the doorknob.
Note: You can paint your hoop with acrylic paint.

Trim off some of the felt fabric.
Turn it over and hot glue to the back edge of the hoop.
Stitch on the branch(s) over the top of the background foliage.
Felt the rest of the wool mixture over the branches.
Mix Drizzle and Raven wool together. Felt stepping stones in front of the door and smoke coming from the chimney.
Now tie your Bats and Ghost to the branches!